Implementing this web strategy was a collaboration between Christie Huff (Lead Consultant – ELAN’s Arts & Education Initiatives), Denis Piquette (Chemin Robinson Consulting) and Red Carpet Web Promotion. ArtistsInspire Grants provide support to Quebec’s English-speaking Communities by connecting artists with schools to facilitate hands-on creative experiences, funded the Government of Canada’s Action Plan for Official Languages. ELAN and LEARN are collaborating to promote and support the ArtistsInspire Grants program.
Red Carpet Web Promotion and Chemin Robinson Consulting developed he web strategy from start to finish within a very short timeframe, including creating the name “ArtistsInspire Grants”, the logo, the website, email campaigns and more. The website launched May 23, 2019. Have a look here: The website includes a login for schools to apply for multiple-year grants as well as a login for approved artists to create and edit their profiles. See the artists profiles here:
Thanks to everyone who worked on this project to make it a success!